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회사의 운영과 재정에 거의 기여하지 않는 불확실한 수입을 즉각적인 자본으로 교환하여 비용과 위험 부담 없이 자금을 조달할 수 있는 기회입니다.

수입을 수익성 있고 안전한 자본으로 전환하세요.

매월 또는 분기별로 징수되는 임대료는 관리 관리의 양과 투입 시간을 정당화하지 못하는 최소한의 고정 비용만 겨우 충당합니다.

부채 감소 또는 회사 자체 활동에 적용하면 수입에서 얻은 것보다 훨씬 높은 수익을 창출할 수 있는 자본으로 교환할 수 있으며, 감소 또는 소멸의 위험이 있습니다.

고객 후기

당신의 후기는 우리에게 가장 큰 힘이 됩니다.

Maria ÁngelesFredirsa, Madrid
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“My experience with Telecom Infrastructure Partners has been very positive. Even though we had had other similar proposals for a long time, Monica really understood what we needed and worked hard to get us the essential banking consent to carry out the transaction, something that the other companies that contacted me previously never worried about. With this capitalization we have managed to secure money for possible unforeseen events in the future, recommending other owners who have an antenna on their land to consider this option especially if they need capital and want to deal with a formal and serious company that cares about reaching the best mutual agreement."
Pilar FiallegaSocolo Trucks - Parets del Valles
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"The relationship with Telecom Infrastructure Partners, from contact to the closing of the usufruct operation, has been easy, cordial and agile. They have understood our approaches and have made us a clear proposal in accordance with them, without surprises or bad things. supervening experts."
Pablo Inovare, Zaragoza
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"The deal with Telecom Infrastructure Partners has been fruitful from the beginning. Capitalization has helped us balance the company's treasury, and despite having more proposals on the table, Telecom Infrastructure Partners gave us the highest one in the market. Satisfied with the agreement."

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